Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum and Resource guide
This topic guide has been produced by Hilary and the late John Mitchell for schools in Te Tau Ihu.
Years 1 & 2: some early stories, myths and legends
Compare with European/English fairy tales
- Māui - one of the great characters of Hawaiki, who is incorporated into the Māori name for this region: Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka-a-Māui. Vol.1 pp.20-21
- Traditional stories from the region: Kaiwhakaruaki, Tutaeporoporo, Ngahue and Poutini, Ngārarahuararau. Vol.1 pp.21-30
- Giants, fairies and taniwha - Ngāi Tūrehu; Ngāi Kāhui Tipua and Rākaihautū. Vol.1 pp.43-45
- Hinepoupou and her swim. Vol.1 pp.37-38
Years 3 & 4: early visitors to Te Tau Ihu
- Tapuae-o-Uenuku; Rākaihautū and Kupe. Vol.1 pp.30-37, 48-50
- Abel Tasman (1642), Captain Cook (1770-1777), von Bellingshausen (1820), Dumont D'Urville (1827). Vol.1 pp.140-229
- Names in the landscape. Vol.1 p.221
Years 5 & 6: tribal succession in Te Tau Ihu
- What archaeology tells us about the early habitation, diet, lifestyle: Wairau Bar; Tāhunanui; Rotokura
- Engineering feats: Waimea Gardens; Pakohe/Argillite quarries; Vernon Lagoons. Lagoon. Vol 1 pp.51-53, 53-56, 91-93
- Patterns of arrival and displacement. Summary Vol.1 pp.474-479
- The Tangata Whenua iwi/tribes of Te Tau Ihu - displacement and succession, eg. the stories of Rangitāne o Wairau, Ngāti Kuia and Ngāti Tumatakokiri. Vol.1 pp.64-66, 73-76, 77-80
- The Tainui Taranaki migrations/invasions: 1822-1834 to southern North Island; 1828-1832 to Te Tau Ihu and further south. Vol.1 pp.101-139
Years 7 & 8 - European influences arrive
- Sealers, whalers, missionaries: Māori enterprise, relationships, influence and effects. Vol.1 pp.230-251
- Treaty of Waitangi: what did it mean? Did Māori get all the rights and privileges of British Citizenship? Vol.1 pp.289-291
- Was the Treaty honoured by Governments? Land, political power, legal rights, access to health and education. Vol.1 pp.283, 309-310, 349,375, 414, 448, 459
- What does colonisation mean? What does it look like around the world?
Year 9 - Māori society and European settlement
- Whakapapa in Māori society
- Iwi in residence 1840-1841. Vol.1 p.479
- Pā and Kāinga in Te Tau Ihu 1840-1841. Vol.2 pp.23-67
- Early Māori-European relationships: hospitality, assistance, rescues etc. Vol.2 pp.137-139, 149-152, 211-227
- Māori involvement in European economy: trade, guiding, shipping, gold. Vol.2 pp.242-275, 276-328
- Important chiefs who spanned both worlds, eg: Tāmati Pirimona Marino, Ngapiko, Te Rauparaha, Te Pūoho ki Te Rangi, Henare Te Keha, Riwai Turangapeke, Wiremu Kingi Te Koihua, Maka Tarapiko, Te Iti, Riwai Turangapeke, Te Poa Karoro. Vol 4 biographies and see index of all volumes.
Year 10 - The New Zealand Company
- Company's intentions, plans, policies re Māori; Company's land purchases. Vol.1 pp.252-286
- Nelson settlement 1841. Vol.1 pp.287-310
- Company failure to implement its Māori policies. Vol.1 pp.305-310
- Wairau Affray, 17 June 1843. Vol.1 pp.311-330, Vol.2 pp.234-240
- Spain Commission, 1844-1845. Vol.1 pp.331-342
- The taking of Whakarewa (Motueka), 1853-1993. Vol.1 pp.376-384
- Crown purchases, 1850s: intentions, methods, results. Vol.1 pp.358-389
- The Tenths Reserves and creation of Wakatū Incorporation. Vol.1 pp.424-461
Years 11, 12 & 13 - Special Topics
- The coming of Christianity. Vol.2 pp.69-136
- Māori and the Law. Vol.2 pp.346-367
- Māori and education. Vol.2 pp.329-346
- Nelson and Marlborough (Māori and European) involvement in the Taranaki wars and Parihaka. Vol.2 pp.388-407, 411-419
- The Native Land Court and its effect on communal land ownership. Vol.2 pp.386-388 and other references
- Administration and management of Māori reserve land by Government appointed (non-Māori) trustees; legislation and regulations imposed; 1970s Commission of Enquiry. Vol.1 pp.424-452
- The Tai Tapu block; gold, Government regulations, ownership of the block. Vol.1 pp.397-402, Vol 2 pp.308-309
- Effects of colonisation: land loss, discrimination, exclusion, poverty. Vol.2 pp.465-498
- Nelson-Marlborough influences on NZ legislation and regulation: following, for example the Wairau Affray, goldfield regulations, the Maungatapu Murders. Vol.2 pp.304-307, 318-319
- The Waitangi Tribunal: origins of the Tribunal; Treaty claims procedures; local claims and hearings
- The Office of Treaty Settlements (now Te Arawhiti - Office for Māori Crown Relations) procedures and nature of local settlements
- Fisheries, Aquaculture and Forestry claims and settlements
- The Foreshore and Seabed debate. “Foreshore and Seabed Issues: a Te Tau Ihu Perspective on Assertions and Denials of Rangitiratanga” H & J Mitchell Victoria University
- Iwi Trust organisations; principles and practices
- Wakatū Incorporation's battle to gain control over its lands. "Reclaiming rangatiratanga : the Wakatu Incorporation and the Crown” H&J Mitchell Victoria University