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The Murchison Earthquake
*Shaky Ground* For centuries before Europeans arrived, Māori had experienced rū whenua - ‘the shaking of the land'. According to Māori tradition, earthquakes are caused by the god Rūaumoko (or...
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Queen Street in Richmond
Queen Street is the long street that runs through the heart of Richmond, from the foothills in the east, to the Waimea River in the west. As the...
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Marlborough Rugby
The Marlborough Rugby Football Union (MRFU) was founded in 1888, 18 years after New Zealand's first rugby game[new-zealand-first-game-of-rugby/] was played in Nelson.1 However, a game of rugby was played...
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Inangahua Earthquake
On May 241968 at 5.24 am the second biggest land-based earthquake in New Zealand history struck the West Coast of the South Island creating chaos and destruction. The small...
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The naming of Nelson
European settlers[nelsons-early-settlement/] arrived in what was to become Nelson in 1842, a couple of years after one of the world's most famous landmarks, Nelson's Column, had been erected in London's...
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