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You searched for Auckland Point
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Mary Ethel Hunter
*Prohibitionist, nurse, lay preacher and matron* Mary Ethel Hunter was born on November 21st 1884 at Auckland, the seventh child of Richard Hemming Hughes[#richardhughes] and his wife Hannah (nee...
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The Greig Brother's of Dillons Point; Early Settlers of Beaver Station
Settlers came from all walks of life and all nations when the New Zealand Company[sitetree_link,id=113] began promoting farmlands ripe for the picking in Aotearoa. Two Scottish boys, aged in...
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The Mahitahi or Maitai River
The river flowing through Whakatū, or Nelson is commonly known as the Maitai, however this is probably a corruption of its original name of Mahitahi or Maitahi. The...
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Wakefield's Memorial Riwaka and Puketawai Pā
Kaiteriteri/ Puketawai Reserve and Captain Wakefield’s memorial In August 2014 a pyramidal rock memorial, celebrating Captain Wakefield's[sitetree_link,id=468] landing in October 1841 and the arrival place of Riwaka's pioneer settlers in May...
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Blenheim and Picton Borough Councils- the early years
Following the separation of Marlborough from Nelson[the-separation-of-nelson-and-marlborough/] in 1859, the region found itself with no funds, no local taxes and frequent flooding washing away infrastructure. It was to be many...
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