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School Bugs
Regular users of the Nelson Railway line (closed since the 1950's) included Nelson secondary school students from Stoke, Richmond and the countryside. They were called “school bugs”, named for their on-board...
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James Marsden and his Isel Farm
At the age of 34 years, James Marsden inherited Isel estate[nelson-isel-house/], a 930-acre property laid out by his father, Thomas Marsden, who died in a carriage accident in 1876. ...
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Day's Track
The story behind the name When Edward Bisley subdivided the Tāhunanui hillside in the 1920s, Nelson’s Leonard Day built many of the new homes. Among his houses were those...
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Nelson and Tasman Floods
Floods have, and will continue to have, a significant impact on the city of Nelson, particularly the Maitai / Mahitahi River, the Brook or York Streams, and more widely...
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Arthur Griffin and Nelson Hospital
The first hospital in Nelson was a primitive building, put up in the 1840's, attached to the barracks on Church Hill. The first permanent building was erected in...
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