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Waimea Plains
From Grain and Cows... to Vegetables and Wine Over the years land use on the Waimea Plains has changed to meet changing markets and lifestyles. In the early...
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Railway Memories
Stoke resident Kevin Hoult rode the train into Nelson College from Belgrove between 1942 and 1945. After finishing college he worked as a paperboy for the railroad. On...
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Construction of Rocks Road and sea wall
*Rocky Road to Completion* When Frederick Tuckett, the chief surveyor of the New Zealand Company, was setting out the plan for Nelson, the only viable access to the farmlands...
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Dutch Settlement in Nelson
The 1950s Dutch migrants have been called a ‘lost generation[]', scarred by the disruptions and trauma of economic depression and military occupation in the Netherlands. On reaching their adopted country,...
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The Taranaki Refugees
The Taranaki War of 1860 had a lasting legacy for both Māori and Pakeha communities in Taranaki and Te Tau Ihu. The impact of the war on Taranaki Māori[te-tau-ihu-maori-and-the-taranaki-wars/]...
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