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You searched for Town Acre
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Judene Edgar
2007-2016 Tasman District Councillor Judene Edgar Judene Edgar Born and bred in Richmond, I shifted back to the district after 18 years away to find significant population growth. But services, facilities...
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Isel House and Park
A historic park and house, named after Isel, a small village in Cumbria England, and a recreation ground form part of the legacy left by the Marsden family...
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Wakapuaka Cemetery
*Wakapuaka *Over the years the spelling of this area has altered between Whakapuaka and Wakapuaka, as has the pronunciation, depending upon changing dialects. The name originates from the legendary explorer...
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*The highs and lows of goldmining* Graveyards have an international reputation for being 'spooky', but when you are standing in the graveyard of a deceased town, 'spooky' takes on...
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The Nightingale Library Memorial
The first library in Tāhunanui was housed in a cupboard at the back of the Town Hall when Tāhunanui was administered by a Town Board. By the 1930's...
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