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You searched for Waimea South
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Nelson's Queens Gardens
Nelson's Queens Gardens have been a prominent feature in Nelson City for over a century. The development of the beautiful Victorian styled gardens first began on the 22nd of...
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The New Zealand Company, Nelson Settlement and the Tenths Reserves
The New Zealand Land Company, commonly known as the New Zealand Company, was a commercial colonising enterprise formalised in England in 1837. Its intention was to buy tracts of land...
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The Saxton legacy
Bridging Nelson City and Tasman District, Saxton Field[] is a major regional sporting facility, but the land it sits on used to be part of a large farm originally...
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Captain F.G. Moore
Captain Frederick George Moore was not a great man and never claimed to be. He was blamed for sinking the Fifeshire[wreck-of-the-fifeshire/] and was involved with many failed ventures, but...
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Salisbury Footbridge 1887-2010
Bridges come and bridges go, especially in Bainham, where the Aorere River in a raging flood can leave a trail of destruction. The upright wooden straining posts of...
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