Your Story

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  1. Antonio Wett
    Antonio Wett was an early resident of Nelson, arriving there in about 1866. In the following 44 years, until his death in 1910, he married, had a fam... read more
  2. Albert Rainbow Tuffnell
    One of Richmond’s early entrepreneurs, Albert Tuffnell played an important role in both business and local government in the Richmond borough. read more
  3. The Ghost of Tophouse
    The Tophouse Hotel has a resident ghost read more
  4. D'Urville's Tasman Bay Odyssey
    D'Urville and the Astrolabe faced terrible weather conditions as they crossed the narrow passage between Tasman Bay and Admiralty Bay on 22 January 18... read more
  5. Lily Robertson and the Nelson Lighthouse
    Lily Robertson, 1878-1956, grew up with her family, living in Nelson's iconic lighthouse on the Boulder Bank read more
  6. Hampden Street School
    Hampden Street Primary School, established 1868, was one of the earliest schools in Nelson. Its history brings back fond memories for past students. read more
  7. Nelson School of Music
    The war years affected the Nelson School of Music. The principal, German born Julius Bernhardt Lemmer, was not a popular figure with many during WWI. read more
  8. The Scow Echo
    The historic scow Echo is now permanently 'on the hard' on Picton foreshore, operating as a cafe. read more
  9. Ngawhatu Hospital
    Ngawhatu Valley was the site of an orphanage industrial school, and later a psychiatric hospital. Ngawhatu Psychiatric Hospital operated from 1922 to ... read more
  10. Founders Park
    Founders Park, which opened in 1986, is a historic, recreated village which reflects Nelson's colonial past. read more