Quiz answers

The Winners and the Answers

Of the 250 people who entered the quiz, we selected the following winning entries from those with all answers correct:

Under 12 category

Shannon Glover
Ryan Crawford

12-18 category

Tessa Hubers
Freya Watson
Jess Allan
Meaghan Westrupp

18+ category

Dodi Robinson
Beth Conrad
Inga Cotton
David Richards

Prizes will be presented at your local public library - with thanks to our sponsors: the Nelson Provincial Museum, Craig Potton, Page and Blackmore, Vic Evans, New Zealand Nature Company and Wild Tomato.

Quiz Answers

1. Charles Kingsford-Smith made the first return trans-Tasman flight from a field in Marlborough - a significant event for Marlborough Aviation. Where was the field?

    b. Woodbourne

2. Using the Google Map, zoom in and find the park where New Zealand's first game of rugby was played. What is the name of the street which runs past the park?

    d. Milton Street

3. How many lives were lost in the Murchison Earthquake in 1929?

   b. 17

4. Huria Matenga and other Maori from Wakapuaka saved all but one of the crew of the Delaware, which was driven onto rocks in 1863. What was the name of Huria's husband?

   c. Hemi 

5. What was the name of the ex-convict who established one of New Zealand's first whaling stations in the Marlborough Sounds?

   a. Jacky Guard

6. What was the pen name of Mary Ann Muller, the Suffragist?

   a. Femina

7. Heather Palmer, of WearableArt, is wearing a pendant in the 2004 photo of her (with sister Suzie Moncrieff and Sally Burton's creation Geneomo). What shape is the pendant?

c. A cross

8. Using the map feature, locate the site of the Wairau Affray. Which other, unrelated story, is in the same location (i.e. has a map location flag in the same small town)?

   b. Eileen Duggan 

9. The four Maungatapu Murders are pictured in a photo montage sourced from the Nelson Provincial Museum (LS9.3.7). Which man is at the top of the picture?

   d. Joseph Sullivan 

10. What was the name of the ship Captain Cook commanded on his second voyage to New Zealand

   b. Resolution 

11. At the top of the Taurapa on the waka Te Awatea Hou what do the four fingers represent?

   c. The four winds 

12. Where was Asbestos mined in the top of the south in the 1900s?

   d. Cobb Valley 

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