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Paturau - a legacy in the making It is hard to believe Harry Richards will turn 80 in December, as he is still very much in the saddle....
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Stoke Sports
Before the 1940s the main winter sport in Stoke was hockey and, in summer, tennis was played on the ground adjacent to the Stoke Memorial hall[sitetree_link,id=686]. Rugby football was...
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Alton Street
Māori heritage The earliest human footprints across the Mahitahi floodplain, upon which Nelson City now sits, belong to the tangata whenua and manawhenua tribes of Whakatū. What is now Alton Street...
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Vinings of Nelson and the motor industry
When William Graeme Vining boarded a ship bound for New Zealand in 1892 he had no idea where his road to a better life would lead him. W.G....
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Skiing at Mt. Robert
Skiing is not just a sport, it's a lifestyle. Ever since 1944 Mount Robert was filled with skiers enjoying the great outdoors. They were members of the Nelson...
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