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You searched for Abel Tasman
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Women Decision-Makers Nelson and Tasman 1944-2018
Foreword to the book women decision makers Women decision makers Nelson and Tasman 1944-2018 cover image It came as a surprise in this Suffrage 125 year to find that there...
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Anne Redwood
Tasman District Councillor 1995-1998 Anne Redwood Anne Redwood Being involved in local government politics was not on my agenda but from October 1995 to October 1998 that all changed. Shifting...
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Judene Edgar
2007-2016 Tasman District Councillor Judene Edgar Judene Edgar Born and bred in Richmond, I shifted back to the district after 18 years away to find significant population growth. But services, facilities...
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Patricia O'Shea (Burnett) B.A.
1983-2007 Motueka Borough Councillor 1983-1989 Tasman District Councillor 1998-2007 Patricia OShea Pat O'Shea 18 February 1992. Nelson Provincial Museum, Nelson Mail Collection: C10254 Born in Matamata in 1940, Patricia O'Shea (Burnett)...
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Kate (Kathleen) Light BA, JP(retired)
Motueka Borough Councillor 1977-1980 and 1986-1989 and Tasman District Councillor 1989-1992 'A Woman's Place is in the House' (of Representatives) was a slogan from the Women's Movement of the...
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