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Charles Harrington Broad 1872-1959
Charles Harrington Broad, was the third of the ten children of Judge Lowther Broad and Isabella Mary (Bunny).1 He was born on 5 Oct 1872 in Nelson and...
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Te Tau Ihu and World War II
The war years in Te Tau Ihu followed a decade of economic Depression. Regional development halted, austerity, shortages and later rationing were the order of the day. *The progress...
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The Hill Family of Nelson - history and connections
Mary Ann Draisey didn’t just decide to make the journey to other side of the world on a whim. Like many other young women, she took the chance...
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The Murder of James Flood
The port town of Picton was once a quiet, working town with little to generate too much excitement beside New Year's day and the comings and goings of...
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Teddy Rennell of Leatham Valley
A true pioneer Tucked neatly in the southern hills of the Wairau lies the Leatham Valley, a rugged, steep expanse of bushland which winds its way up towards the...
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