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Audio walks and heritage panels
Heritage audio walks and GPS mapping Take our stories onto the streets. The Prow hosts a range of heritage walks, each being a package which includes a map, both...
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Nelson Literary Scientific and Philosophic Institute
*Nelson's Institute of Culture and Learning* "The finest libraries in the Dominion should be like fresh air and sunlight and education - free to everyone"; said Nelson's mayor, T.A.H....
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Nelson and Tasman Floods
Floods have, and will continue to have, a significant impact on the city of Nelson, particularly the Maitai / Mahitahi River, the Brook or York Streams, and more widely...
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Motueka and early settlement
Around 1839-1840, the Ngāti Rārua and Te Ātiawa people living in the Motueka region heard that a European settlement was likely to be established there and realised this offered ...
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Nelson School of Music
A Unique Vision When Nelson's European settlers wanted music, they had to make it themselves. By 1852, the small Nelson community, then numbering more than 2000, had formed a...
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