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Salisbury Footbridge 1887-2010
Bridges come and bridges go, especially in Bainham, where the Aorere River in a raging flood can leave a trail of destruction. The upright wooden straining posts of...
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Stoke Sports
Before the 1940s the main winter sport in Stoke was hockey and, in summer, tennis was played on the ground adjacent to the Stoke Memorial hall[sitetree_link,id=686]. Rugby football was...
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The SS Janie Seddon – laid to rust
The steamship Janie Seddon was built in 1901 by Fleming & Ferguson Ltd at Paisley in Scotland. A vessel of 125 tons, she was powered by two horsepower steam...
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Young Eric Rennell
Joseph (Teddy) and Elizabeth Rennell lived in the Wairau Valley for most of their married lives. Teddy was a farmer and musterer who had come over to Marlborough...
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Wakefield street names
*What's in a name? * The relevance of many of the following names of streets and places around Wakefield can be found on the Tasman Heritage website or by trawling...
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