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Shelbourne Street Gaol
Unwanted, Unneeded, Unremembered: The Life of the Nelson Gaol 1850-1898 The Nelson Gaol built in Shelbourne Street, in 1850, is little known or remembered as part of modern day...
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Edward Laney the baker and his daughter Ann
In the early years of Nelson life was tough for all. Days were long and hard for the settlers trying to build a town and a new and...
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Henry and George Dodson
*Pragmatic and political early Spring Creek settlers* New Zealand provided plenty of opportunities for four of Joseph and Isabella Dodson’s nine children1 to shine, with Thomas and Joseph settling...
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Cousins Clifford and Weld make their mark
In August 1847 Charles Clifford[] and his cousin, Frederick Weld[] drove 3000 sheep from Port Underwood to Flaxbourne[sitetree_link,id=541]: "Crossed the Bluff River with sheep. Had to throw them all into the water,...
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Mrs France and Billy Carr's Hardware Store
Billy Carr Billy Carr's hardware store was a prominent building in Blenheim for many years from the time it opened in 1881. Many people back then had their own...
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