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Nelson's Queens Gardens
Nelson's Queens Gardens have been a prominent feature in Nelson City for over a century. The development of the beautiful Victorian styled gardens first began on the 22nd of...
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Te Tau Ihu and World War II
The war years in Te Tau Ihu followed a decade of economic Depression. Regional development halted, austerity, shortages and later rationing were the order of the day. *The progress...
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Rod Dixon
Nelson-born champion runner, Rod Dixon talks a mile a minute - but he knows that. "People used to say you can always rely on John (Walker) to run...
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Top of the South timeline
A timeline for the Top of the South - based on our stories pre-1840[#pre1840]1840-1900[#1840]1900-[#1900] c950 A local story[myths-and-legends-of-te-tau-ihu/] tells of Kereopa escaping Kupe[kupe-and-the-boulder-bank/] by causing the Boulder Bank to grow...
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Guinness comes to the Top of the South
The renowned Irish Guinness family and their equally famous stout have a strong connection to the Nelson, Tasman, and Golden Bay regions, dating back to the 1850s. The...
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