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You searched for Hohapata Ka
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East Tākaka Library
East Takaka Library 1. Library Return for Upper and East Tākaka in 1876. Land was surveyed for the East Tākaka library in the early 1870s by Charles...
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Tākaka's Second and Third Libraries
TakakaServiceCentre The Council building on Commercial Street, Tākaka. The library was housed in a dark and small office on the right hand side of the door. On 3 June...
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Ben Crisp and the Band of Hope
Ben Crisp was a reformed drunkard who took an abstinence pledge in 1843, inspired by the sermons of teetotaler and Temperance Society leader Alfred Saunders. He was born in London, England, probably on...
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Nelson's gateway sculptures
The Novella Sculpture “Nau mai ki tōku Āhuru Mōwai” – Welcome to my safe home, to my sheltered haven. He wāhi e tau ana te wairua pai, e marino...
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Ngawhatu Hospital, Orphanage and Valley
*The Orphanage Era of Ngawhatu Valley* Orphanage stream in in Stoke takes its name from a Roman Catholic home for boys which was once sited in the Ngawhatu Valley. Commonly called...
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