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Tasman Education Timeline
*Education in Tasman * The Nelson Province played an important role in the history of New Zealand education. It was the first Province to initiate free public education, based on Matthew Campbell's secular school system, which became...
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Top of the South timeline
A timeline for the Top of the South - based on our stories pre-1840[#pre1840]1840-1900[#1840]1900-[#1900] c950 A local story[myths-and-legends-of-te-tau-ihu/] tells of Kereopa escaping Kupe[kupe-and-the-boulder-bank/] by causing the Boulder Bank to grow...
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Curious Cove
Kahikatea Bay, in Tōtaranui/ Queen Charlotte Sound in the Marlborough Sounds, is named for the giant trees which once grew there, down to the shoreline. Te Ātiawa o Te Wakaa-Māui...
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