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The Wreck of the Lastingham 1884
Being a country surrounded by the ocean New Zealand has experienced hundreds of shipwrecks claiming tremendous amounts of lives. Cook Strait is no exception to other stretches of our...
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Sunnyside and the Fells
The house called Sunnyside, located in Nelson's "dress circle", and completed in 1854, was built for Alfred Fell, a prominent, mid-19th century Nelson citizen. The house forms the basis...
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Dutch Settlement in Nelson
The 1950s Dutch migrants have been called a ‘lost generation[]', scarred by the disruptions and trauma of economic depression and military occupation in the Netherlands. On reaching their adopted country,...
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Nelson's Queens Gardens
Nelson's Queens Gardens have been a prominent feature in Nelson City for over a century. The development of the beautiful Victorian styled gardens first began on the 22nd of...
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The Kingsbury Trail to Nelson
Sixty-five (6%) of the emigrants from Kingsbury Episcopi (Somerset, England) went to New Zealand, a much lower number than those who went to Australia in the same time...
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