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You searched for Marlborough Sounds
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Marine Baths of Nelson
Swimming through time The Marine Baths, sited near the present yacht club building, were a popular public facility at the Port of Nelson, particularly on a Sunday. They were...
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Life in Canvastown and the Wakamarina
These memories, contributed for the 150th anniversary of the founding of Canvastown in 2014, give a good picture of life in the region in the first 100 years...
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Place names of Te Tau ihu
On 1 August 2014, a number of new or altered geographic names took effect as a result of the following Treaty Claims settlements: Ngāti Apa ki...
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Marlborough cultural life
Marlborough has a rich musical and cultural history, with the Marlborough Repertory and Blenheim Operatic Societies having provided regular local entertainment for many decades. But it was not always...
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Marlborough Rugby
The Marlborough Rugby Football Union (MRFU) was founded in 1888, 18 years after New Zealand's first rugby game[new-zealand-first-game-of-rugby/] was played in Nelson.1 However, a game of rugby was played...
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