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D'Urville's Tasman Bay Odyssey
On a windless day, the view of Tasman Bay from the ridge leading to French Pass seems enchanting but harmless. The battalions of rocks fringing the southern tip...
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Nelson and Tasman Floods
Floods have, and will continue to have, a significant impact on the city of Nelson, particularly the Maitai / Mahitahi River, the Brook or York Streams, and more widely...
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Orchards of the Nelson region
*Stoke Orchards* Stoke once had orchards everywhere, with hawthorn or occasionally gorse or macrocarpa hedges on the boundaries. The population was sparse, so everyone knew everyone. Geoffrey Gates who lived...
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The Art of Wakefield Quay
Wakefield Quay named after Captain Arthur Wakefield[captain-arthur-wakefield/] of the New Zealand Company[new-zealand-company/] was where many early European Settlers first set foot in New Zealand. It boasts beautiful views of Nelson's...
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Nelson Pottery
Nelson/ Tasman's ground-breaking pottery There is some evidence that the use of clay may date back to early Māori settlement, but the history of clay use in the Nelson...
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