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You searched for Motueka Borough
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Georgina Penny, signatory
Georgina Penny (nee Blaymires), was born in 1868, the second daughter of Robert, a Picton settler, and Kate (nee Murray) Blaymires. Her grandparents were assisted immigrants who arrived in...
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Motueka and early settlement
Around 1839-1840, the Ngāti Rārua and Te Ātiawa people living in the Motueka region heard that a European settlement was likely to be established there and realised this offered ...
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Picton and Blenheim's Literary Institutes
New Zealand's early European colonists soon established a range of associations and organisations, including debating and literary societies, libraries and mechanics' institutes.1 Picton Picton Library. Marlborough Historical Society. Marlborough Museum Archives Click...
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Glenys Glover B.Com, CA
2007-2013 Tasman District Councillor Glenys Glover Glenys Glover I stood for the Tasman District Council because I had a real interest in good planning, particularly as it affected the community's connection...
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The Town that Wilkes Built and a Lucky Escape from Friendly Fire
*Richmond - the town that Wilkes Built* The firm of W.E Wilkes is synonymous with house building in Richmond. The company built many of the major buildings in Richmond...
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