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Seymour Square
Blenheim's Seymour Square was, officially, named after Henry Seymour who, with his son-in-law Alfred Fell, owned the land on which The Beaver[blenheim-or-the-beaver/] (Blenheim) was built. It is also said...
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Rescue of the crew of the Delaware 1863
The best known Māori rescue in the region was the dramatic deliverance of the crew of the Delaware when the ship was driven onto rocks at Wakapuaka on...
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Nile Street Walk
Nine Near Nile This walk takes you through a slice of Nelson's history. Take an actual or virtual walk around the streets using the GPS and audio links below. The audio...
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Hounsell's Circle, the Sundial and Natureland at Tāhunanui
The site currently occupied by Natureland[] at Tāhunanui Beach Reserve[sitetree_link,id=444] is located within an elliptical circle. You used to be able to drive completely around this circle and it was...
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Nelson Refinery and Tobacco
The Nelson Refinery, currently the ArtSpace[#ArtSpace], was once the home of the Nelson Tobacco Company. New Zealand Tobacco Company In 1910 Gerhard Husheer[] emigrated to New Zealand to attempt to establish...
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