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Piki mai
The hilltop overlooking Whakatü is known to Mäori as Piki mai, which translates as ‘climb hither'. Piki mai was a staging point for the pakohe[pakohe-argillite/] (argillite) industry, the nearest...
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Brenda Green
1980-1983 Richmond Borough Councillor Brenda Green Brenda Green Brenda was born and bred as the saying goes, in England. After leaving school she trained as a florist and worked for an...
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Top of the South timeline
A timeline for the Top of the South - based on our stories pre-1840[#pre1840]1840-1900[#1840]1900-[#1900] c950 A local story[myths-and-legends-of-te-tau-ihu/] tells of Kereopa escaping Kupe[kupe-and-the-boulder-bank/] by causing the Boulder Bank to grow...
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Trooper Ralph Vincent James and his Monument
Collingwood lad, Trooper Ralph Vincent James 2483, died of enteric fever (typhoid fever) on 20 November 1900 at Zeerust Transvaal, South Africa while serving in the Boer War[] for the...
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Nelson Literary Scientific and Philosophic Institute
*Nelson's Institute of Culture and Learning* "The finest libraries in the Dominion should be like fresh air and sunlight and education - free to everyone"; said Nelson's mayor, T.A.H....
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