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Hounsell's Circle, the Sundial and Natureland at Tāhunanui
The site currently occupied by Natureland[] at Tāhunanui Beach Reserve[sitetree_link,id=444] is located within an elliptical circle. You used to be able to drive completely around this circle and it was...
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Matthew Campbell
Matthew Campbell is typical of many of the early Nelson immigrants. He flourished in the egalitarian colonial society he settled in, and was instrumental in laying the foundation of...
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Fred Gibbs
F. G. Gibbs' life never lacked adventure, drama and determination and, as Gibbs enthusiast Nigel Costley writes, Nelson would have been much poorer without him. F.G. Gibbs F...
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Audio walks and heritage panels
Heritage audio walks and GPS mapping Take our stories onto the streets. The Prow hosts a range of heritage walks, each being a package which includes a map, both...
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Anzac Old boys - World War II
Grenville McFarland with the College Rugby team Click image to enlarge Three of the young men from Nelson College who lost their lives in World War II, as recorded...
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