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You searched for Nelson Railway
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Nelson's Church Steps
*The Church Steps - centre of the community* "Meet you at the church steps" is often heard in Nelson and the steps, from the bottom of Trafalgar Square...
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The Wreck of the Lastingham 1884
Being a country surrounded by the ocean New Zealand has experienced hundreds of shipwrecks claiming tremendous amounts of lives. Cook Strait is no exception to other stretches of our...
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Aniseed Valley Copper
The discovery of an outcrop of copper ore in the upper Aniseed Valley by Fred Stratford in 1881 led to the development of an industry that saw a...
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Douglas William Batt
Uncle Dick's Story-October 1915-March 1916 Douglas Batt as soldier 002 Douglas William Batt 1915. Photo courtesy John Douglas William Batt It was a little over a month after his...
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James Wynen
How James Wynen ended up in a Nelson hotel where he died in 1866 is a mystery.1 But the story of the ‘decent and respectable native of the...
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