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You searched for New Zealand Company
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135 Tasman Street
135 Tasman Street is a Colonial cottage, built approximately 1864, with a category 2 Heritage listing. *The area* Tasman Street is named for the Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman[sitetree_link,id=84]. This street...
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Streets and Quays of Port Nelson
What's in a Name? Have you ever wondered about the naming of streets and quays around the port? Some names honour chairmen of the Nelson Harbour Board and...
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The New Zealand Company, Nelson Settlement and the Tenths Reserves
The New Zealand Land Company, commonly known as the New Zealand Company, was a commercial colonising enterprise formalised in England in 1837. Its intention was to buy tracts of land...
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Te Rauparaha’s Account of the Wairau Affray
The Wairau Affray, as it has become known, resulted in the deaths of twenty-two Europeans, including Arthur Wakefield and Henry Thompson. Four Māori are known to have died:...
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John Sylvanus Cotterell
Surveyor, settler, explorer If John Cotterell had not been killed, in the Wairau Affray, at the tender age of 23, it is likely he would have become a person...
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