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Anchor Foundry
*The Anchor Shipping and Foundry Company* Port Nelson. Nelson Provincial Museum, F N Jones Collection: 309919[assets/Your_stories/port-nelson-1.jpg]Port Nelson. Nelson Provincial Museum, F N Jones Collection: 309919 [with Anchor Foundry buildings] Click image...
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Blick Cloth
Blick Cloth is reputed to be the first woven cloth in New Zealand. It was also known as Nelson Cloth or Nelson Tweed, and was 'described as 'good...
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Piki mai
The hilltop overlooking Whakatü is known to Mäori as Piki mai, which translates as ‘climb hither'. Piki mai was a staging point for the pakohe[pakohe-argillite/] (argillite) industry, the nearest...
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Nayland Pool
The school, the pool and the boiler The close relationship between Stoke’s Nayland Park Pool complex and Nayland College[sitetree_link,id=721] could be said to have started with a chat over...
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Sarah and John Danforth Greenwood
Sarah Greenwood (1809-1889) John Danforth Greenwood had been a successful physician in Mitcham, Surrey, England, but was forced to retire due to ill health in about 1838. The family...
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