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The Tangata Whenua Tribes of Te Tau Ihu
There are eight iwi which are tangata whenua in Te Tau Ihu - or Te Tauihu as it is now more commonly known: Rangitāne o Wairau, Ngāti Kuia and...
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Demon drink in Nelson
Early Nelson was well served with public houses, despite the vigorous agitation for abstinence by the Temperance Movement. Patrons often had to travel long distances over difficult terrain and,...
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The Mayoral Shop
The premises at 83-86 Bridge Street in Nelson were the birthplace of the mayoral ambitions of three families. MayorJHLevien.jpg J H Levien: The Nelson Provincial Museum, Print Collection: 297185 Lock...
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Nelson City Council - the origins
The first Nelson Provincial Council was elected in 1853 and housed in the large Provincial Council buildings in Bridge St (near the current Nelson Courthouse) from around 1859. The...
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Curious Cove
Kahikatea Bay, in Tōtaranui/ Queen Charlotte Sound in the Marlborough Sounds, is named for the giant trees which once grew there, down to the shoreline. Te Ātiawa o Te Wakaa-Māui...
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