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You searched for Richard Raine
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Rachel Reese JP
Nelson City Councillor 2007 - 2013 Deputy Mayor 2007 - 2010 Mayor Nelson City 2013 - 2022 Jenny Rowan, the former Mayor of Kapiti, was the first person that...
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Judene Edgar
2007-2016 Tasman District Councillor Judene Edgar Judene Edgar Born and bred in Richmond, I shifted back to the district after 18 years away to find significant population growth. But services, facilities...
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The Nelson Contingent at Parihaka
*The Nelson Company of Volunteers* In mid-June 1880 the grateful citizens of Nelson and outlying settlements gave prizes to the volunteers for their sharp-shooting at the range. The firing...
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The Mahitahi or Maitai River
The river flowing through Whakatū, or Nelson is commonly known as the Maitai, however this is probably a corruption of its original name of Mahitahi or Maitahi. The...
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Charles Harrington Broad 1872-1959
Charles Harrington Broad, was the third of the ten children of Judge Lowther Broad and Isabella Mary (Bunny).1 He was born on 5 Oct 1872 in Nelson and...
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