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You searched for Richard Raine
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Isaac Jacobsen - colonial Nelson architect and builder
Isaac Jacobsen, a man described as one of Nelson's early unsung heroes, was the subject of a meeting of the Nelson Historical Society in August 2012. Jane Baird of...
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Trafalgar Centre
The Trafalgar Centre is the largest indoor multi-purpose events centre in the Nelson / Tasman Region. Built in the early 1970s as a sports stadium, the Centre also...
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The Regulus and Port Kembla
The Regulus was built in 1907 by Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson of Newcastle on Tyne for the Westport Coal Company[], based in Dunedin. She was a vessel of...
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Anchor Foundry
*The Anchor Shipping and Foundry Company* Port Nelson. Nelson Provincial Museum, F N Jones Collection: 309919[assets/Your_stories/port-nelson-1.jpg]Port Nelson. Nelson Provincial Museum, F N Jones Collection: 309919 [with Anchor Foundry buildings] Click image...
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Branford Park and the Richardson holdings
Branford Park lies alongside the northern banks of the cherished Maitai/Mahitahi/Maitahi River close to the city of Nelson. The park has a history of conflicting rights and needs which created...
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