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Wangapeka Gold
Gold was known in the Wangapeka district from the late 1850s.1 However, although an award was paid in 1861 to prospectors for the discovery of gold in the area,...
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Nelson Refinery and Tobacco
The Nelson Refinery, currently the ArtSpace[#ArtSpace], was once the home of the Nelson Tobacco Company. New Zealand Tobacco Company In 1910 Gerhard Husheer[] emigrated to New Zealand to attempt to establish...
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Sunnyside and the Fells
The house called Sunnyside, located in Nelson's "dress circle", and completed in 1854, was built for Alfred Fell, a prominent, mid-19th century Nelson citizen. The house forms the basis...
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Aniseed Valley Copper
The discovery of an outcrop of copper ore in the upper Aniseed Valley by Fred Stratford in 1881 led to the development of an industry that saw a...
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The Redwood Family
Farming, Racing and the Church *Henry Redwood and early settlement* The Redwood family is remembered through place names in Nelson, Marlborough, and throughout New Zealand. It all began with Henry...
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