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2019 Tasman Fires
Redwood Valley 5 February 2019 Photograph of the fire taken from Redwood Valley looking towards Redwood Park 5 February 2019. Photograph provided by Jane Fairs. A series of fires...
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Nelson Literary Scientific and Philosophic Institute
*Nelson's Institute of Culture and Learning* "The finest libraries in the Dominion should be like fresh air and sunlight and education - free to everyone"; said Nelson's mayor, T.A.H....
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Stoke Library
The first Stoke library[] was opened in the 1940's, thanks to the commitment of a group of residents, led by Fred Reed, who were mainly connected with the Stoke School...
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The naming of Nelson
European settlers[nelsons-early-settlement/] arrived in what was to become Nelson in 1842, a couple of years after one of the world's most famous landmarks, Nelson's Column, had been erected in London's...
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Wakatu or Whakatu?
Many Māori names of localities and landscape features are no longer known, and where they have been preserved, the reason for the name may have disappeared in the...
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