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You searched for Stefano de Filippi
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The Taranaki Refugees
The Taranaki War of 1860 had a lasting legacy for both Māori and Pakeha communities in Taranaki and Te Tau Ihu. The impact of the war on Taranaki Māori[te-tau-ihu-maori-and-the-taranaki-wars/]...
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Isaac Jacobsen - colonial Nelson architect and builder
Isaac Jacobsen, a man described as one of Nelson's early unsung heroes, was the subject of a meeting of the Nelson Historical Society in August 2012. Jane Baird of...
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Salisbury School
Salisbury: a Special School for nearly 100 years *Note - the language of the day has been used throughout this story, which shows the changing attitudes to difference and...
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Picton Fishers Memorial
On Saturday 29 September the Picton Professional Fishers Association Inc held a consecration ceremony for their new memorial dedicated to fishers who have lost their lives at sea in...
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The Morgan family or the Rabbit Island Skeletons
I had nearly finished all I was intending to do on one branch of our family history, when I found out that my mother-in-law did not know anything...
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