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You searched for Tasman District Council
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Stoke Sports
Before the 1940s the main winter sport in Stoke was hockey and, in summer, tennis was played on the ground adjacent to the Stoke Memorial hall[sitetree_link,id=686]. Rugby football was...
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Hans Busch 'A Great Miser'
*German settlement* In 1841 the New Zealand Company dispatched an expedition to establish its second New Zealand settlement, to be named Nelson. The Company was very successful in attracting settlers and, ambitious...
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Life in Canvastown and the Wakamarina
These memories, contributed for the 150th anniversary of the founding of Canvastown in 2014, give a good picture of life in the region in the first 100 years...
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The Murchison Earthquake
*Shaky Ground* For centuries before Europeans arrived, Māori had experienced rū whenua - ‘the shaking of the land'. According to Māori tradition, earthquakes are caused by the god Rūaumoko (or...
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