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You searched for Tasman District Council
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Wakapuaka North
About 14km north of Nelson is a picturesque area that one might think of as just farmland. Ngāti Tama settled here around 1825 and have recently signed a...
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Nelson's Queens Gardens
Nelson's Queens Gardens have been a prominent feature in Nelson City for over a century. The development of the beautiful Victorian styled gardens first began on the 22nd of...
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Top of the South timeline
A timeline for the Top of the South - based on our stories pre-1840[#pre1840]1840-1900[#1840]1900-[#1900] c950 A local story[myths-and-legends-of-te-tau-ihu/] tells of Kereopa escaping Kupe[kupe-and-the-boulder-bank/] by causing the Boulder Bank to grow...
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Port Nelson timeline
Port Nelson has been integral to the development of Nelson, and has a long and fascinating history in its own right. This timeline highlights significant events in its development...
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Art and Architecture of Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Trafalgar Street in Nelson lost many of its historic, and iconic, buildings in the 1980’s. This was a time when there was a drive to modernise cities, and...
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