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Getting established in Marlborough
Marlborough’s first decades after European colonisation were rather rocky. The Wairau Affray[sitetree_link,id=467] in 1843 badly frightened potential colonists to the Wairau. Strong earthquakes[sitetree_link,id=749] in 1848 and 1855 and severe flooding[sitetree_link,id=249] showed...
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Richmond's Sparrow Plague
Peril and Pennies from the Skies In the late 1800s and early 1900s, a growing threat to Richmond’s prosperity darkened the skies. A small number of house sparrows – as...
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Stoke Library
The first Stoke library[] was opened in the 1940's, thanks to the commitment of a group of residents, led by Fred Reed, who were mainly connected with the Stoke School...
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May's Retail, Butter and Bacon Empire
The Store in Queen Street Richmond May’s store was an institution in early Richmond. It occupied a large, two-storied building on a prominent site and sold as wide a...
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Early Marlborough Settlers
*An overview..* There was plenty of opportunity for an able man (supported by an equally able wife) in the early days of a colony. All of the people listed...
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