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You searched for Te Rauparaha
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Hans Busch 'A Great Miser'
*German settlement* In 1841 the New Zealand Company dispatched an expedition to establish its second New Zealand settlement, to be named Nelson. The Company was very successful in attracting settlers and, ambitious...
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COVID 19 and Te Tau Ihu
New Zealand first experienced the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, some months after the virus was identified in China. New Zealand suffered few deaths, and relatively few...
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The Wood
From native forest to English garden Following the establishment of the town of Nelson by the London-based New Zealand Company, in 1842, European settlers were quick to make their mark on...
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The Greig Brother's of Dillons Point; Early Settlers of Beaver Station
Settlers came from all walks of life and all nations when the New Zealand Company[sitetree_link,id=113] began promoting farmlands ripe for the picking in Aotearoa. Two Scottish boys, aged in...
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Te Tau Ihu and astronomy
The Nelson region has had some interesting and significant connections with astronomy - from the era of Kupe, to the Black Birch observatory. The Nelson Science Society continues to...
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