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You searched for Thomas Marsden
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Lowther Broad
Lowther Broad was District Court Judge for Nelson and died in Nelson on 16 August 1892, aged 52 years. He was the fourth son of the Rev John...
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Early Marlborough Settlers
*An overview..* There was plenty of opportunity for an able man (supported by an equally able wife) in the early days of a colony. All of the people listed...
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Fred Gibbs
F. G. Gibbs' life never lacked adventure, drama and determination and, as Gibbs enthusiast Nigel Costley writes, Nelson would have been much poorer without him. F.G. Gibbs F...
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Marine Baths of Nelson
Swimming through time The Marine Baths, sited near the present yacht club building, were a popular public facility at the Port of Nelson, particularly on a Sunday. They were...
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Sergeant John Nash
The Police Act 1886 established New Zealand's first national, civil, police force. Sergeant John Nash of Nelson was the first non-commissioned member appointed to this Force on 1 September...
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