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You searched for Thomas Renwick
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St Marys Catholic Church Nelson
The first Catholic Mass in Nelson was held in May 1844. The Church’s first chapel was built on Sion Hill (now Shelbourne Street) at a cost of £40. In...
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Blenheim and Picton Borough Councils- the early years
Following the separation of Marlborough from Nelson[the-separation-of-nelson-and-marlborough/] in 1859, the region found itself with no funds, no local taxes and frequent flooding washing away infrastructure. It was to be many...
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Lowther Broad
Lowther Broad was District Court Judge for Nelson and died in Nelson on 16 August 1892, aged 52 years. He was the fourth son of the Rev John...
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Fred Gibbs
F. G. Gibbs' life never lacked adventure, drama and determination and, as Gibbs enthusiast Nigel Costley writes, Nelson would have been much poorer without him. F.G. Gibbs F...
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St John Ambulance Nelson 1932 -1945
The exact date when the Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem first came into being is unknown, although it was about 1070, when a hospice...
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