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You searched for Thomas Renwick
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Mrs France and Billy Carr's Hardware Store
Billy Carr Billy Carr's hardware store was a prominent building in Blenheim for many years from the time it opened in 1881. Many people back then had their own...
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Henry and George Dodson
*Pragmatic and political early Spring Creek settlers* New Zealand provided plenty of opportunities for four of Joseph and Isabella Dodson’s nine children1 to shine, with Thomas and Joseph settling...
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Teddy Rennell of Leatham Valley
A true pioneer Tucked neatly in the southern hills of the Wairau lies the Leatham Valley, a rugged, steep expanse of bushland which winds its way up towards the...
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John Jacobus (Jacob) Appoo
You may well be familiar with the Nelson name Appo Hocton. His last name also appears on maps labeling the first gold strikes in the Aorere Goldfields a...
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Charles Heaphy
Artist, draughtsman and explorer The young Charles Heaphy was initially employed by the New Zealand Company as an artist and draughtsman, but his duties were varied and included helping to chart...
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