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Tāmati Pirimona Marino
Through his parents, Ringahuri of Ngāti Tama/Te Ātiawa and Roka of Ngāti Rarua, Marino (also known as Te Pua Ringahuri) was related to all three mana whenua iwi...
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Nayland Pool
The school, the pool and the boiler The close relationship between Stoke’s Nayland Park Pool complex and Nayland College[sitetree_link,id=721] could be said to have started with a chat over...
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Sarah and John Danforth Greenwood
Sarah Greenwood (1809-1889) John Danforth Greenwood had been a successful physician in Mitcham, Surrey, England, but was forced to retire due to ill health in about 1838. The family...
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John and Mary France
Picton, or Waitohi (Pa) to the Te Ātiawa who occupied the site, was a rugged, hidden community in its early days. The area was virtually unexplored by Pākehā,...
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Picton and World War II
On 3 September 1939 New Zealand declared its involvement in a war that had begun in Europe. New Zealand was one of the first countries to join the...
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