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Ferdinand Hochstetter
Just how did a German geologist come to survey the Nelson region's mineral resources, gift a major mineral and fossil collection to the Nelson Institute and lay the...
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Poiwhai, Punawai and Mānuka Island
Frederick Tuckett’s 1842 map of the Nelson Settlement shows in yellow 100 of the 1,100 one-acre Nelson Town Sections surveyed for Nelson Town. These were the New Zealand Company’s...
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Seymour Square
Blenheim's Seymour Square was, officially, named after Henry Seymour who, with his son-in-law Alfred Fell, owned the land on which The Beaver[blenheim-or-the-beaver/] (Blenheim) was built. It is also said...
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Te Tau Ihu and astronomy
The Nelson region has had some interesting and significant connections with astronomy - from the era of Kupe, to the Black Birch observatory. The Nelson Science Society continues to...
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Nelson's early settlement
Nelson's early history is a fascinating one, filled with many tales of hardship endured by the early European settlers, who left their homes in England in search of...
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