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You searched for Wairau River Board
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The Wairau Hilary Mitchell.pptx
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Ada Redwood, Councillor
Ada McDonald, 1867-1943, was a widow in 1908 when she married Frederick Redwood[sitetree_link,id=748], gentleman sheep farmer of Spring Creek. They were together until his death in 1919. Ada Redwood Ada Redwood....
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Flooding on the Wairau Plain
Blenheim and the Wairau floodplain have experienced at least one damaging flood every decade since European settlement. In the early days, floods occurred so often and flood control works...
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Shipping and trade on the Ōpaoa River
At one time, Picton was described as Marlborough's front door and the Ōpaoa/Opawa River as the tradesmen's entrance, but in the early days of European settlement, river trade was...
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Blenheim, or "The Beaver"
The Wairau Affray in 1843 badly frightened potential European settlers of the Wairau and it was to be several more years before the Nelson settlers again began to consider...
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