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You searched for Women Councillors 1944-20
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Starting school in Hauwai
In October 1941 when I was due to start my schooling, we lived at Hauwai, a tiny settlement beside the railway station of that name, on the south...
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The Brownlees enterprise
William Brownlee, and later his son John's, sawmilling enterprise was far more of a struggle than most reports suggest. The Brownlee family, with a number of close relatives, who...
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Rocks Road
In a line of five o'clock commuter traffic, listening to drive time radio, it's hard to imagine the days when Rocks Road was a narrow, precarious, wave-swept walkway...
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Whakapapa is the bedrock of Māori society. In mid-1995 a hui of kaumatua from throughout Aotearoa considered commonalities and differences between tribes in matters of tikanga regarding customary rights...
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Kupe and the Boulder Bank
The distinctive Boulder Bank protecting Nelson Haven, known to Māori as Te Taero a Kereopa (the obstruction of Koreopa) or Te Tahuna a Tama-i-ea, was named to commemorate...
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