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You searched for Women Councillors 1944-2018
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Stoke Sports
Before the 1940s the main winter sport in Stoke was hockey and, in summer, tennis was played on the ground adjacent to the Stoke Memorial hall[sitetree_link,id=686]. Rugby football was...
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Theodore Rigg and World War One
Theodore Rigg (KBE, 1888-1972) was highly regarded as Director of the Cawthron Institute in Nelson from 1934-1956. During World War One, as a Quaker, he devoted himself to philanthropic...
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Nayland College - daring to be different
Daring to be Different Stoke’s co-educational Nayland College was established in 1966 in the shadow of the long and highly respected history and traditions of the Nelson’ city’s single...
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Tahunanui - the school by the sands
The story of Tāhunanui School mirrors the rapid development its seaside location and the nearby beach into an established community and popular summer holiday destination.1 tahuna school5 View of Tāhuna from...
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The Picton volunteers
In early Pakeha settlement, the tradition of a voluntary military service was carried over from England, and a Volunteer Corps[] was formed in New Zealand, mainly because of the perceived threat...
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