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Whekenui School
Whekenui School, Tory Channel One of New Zealand's most remote schools, Whekenui School operated only from 1951 to 1962. Local children had previously been enrolled in the Correspondence School, with an untrained...
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Mātauranga - Māori and education
Pre-European Māori learned by oral methods which developed strong memory skills and powerful oratory. Early European visitors and settlers admired Māori intelligence. Dieffenbach (1839) wrote: Greenwood, Sarah: The Motueka...
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Annette Milligan
In 2014 Nelson Youth Council conducted a series of interviews for Heritage Week 2015. They spoke with people involved in areas of health and medicine and this is...
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Father Antoine Marie Garin
On May 9, 1850, Father Antoine Marie Garin arrived in Nelson. During the next 40 years Father Garin would contribute hugely to the development of education in the area...
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Salisbury School
Salisbury: a Special School for nearly 100 years *Note - the language of the day has been used throughout this story, which shows the changing attitudes to difference and...
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