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The Great Blenheim Flood of 1923
Blenheim[blenheim-or-the-beaver/] was built at the junction of two rivers as a river port, close to sea level.1 Blenheim's early history was one of frequent flooding until extensive river works...
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Flooding on the Wairau Plain
Blenheim and the Wairau floodplain have experienced at least one damaging flood every decade since European settlement. In the early days, floods occurred so often and flood control works...
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Waimea River Stopbank
Stopping a wipe out Before the building of the stopbank by the Nelson Catchment Board between 1957-63, floods were a major problem at the mouth of the Waimea River....
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Nelson and Tasman Floods
Floods have, and will continue to have, a significant impact on the city of Nelson, particularly the Maitai / Mahitahi River, the Brook or York Streams, and more widely...
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Shipping and trade on the Ōpaoa River
At one time, Picton was described as Marlborough's front door and the Ōpaoa/Opawa River as the tradesmen's entrance, but in the early days of European settlement, river trade was...
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