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Nelson's gateway sculptures
The Novella Sculpture “Nau mai ki tōku Āhuru Mōwai” – Welcome to my safe home, to my sheltered haven. He wāhi e tau ana te wairua pai, e marino...
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Grant Palliser
Grant Palliser was born in Christchurch 6 October 1949. Palliser's attention was first drawn to art when he was eight years old. His uncle painted copies of calendar reproductions: which...
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Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Aoraki
The ancient name of the South Island was Te Waka a Aoraki, a name given by the early Polynesian inhabitants of Aotearoa. Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Aoraki...
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Tahunanui Reserve artworks
In 2007 youth were consulted on what youth facility they wanted to have included at Tahunanui Reserve when the Park area was upgraded. Rather than a skate park,...
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Nelson Refinery and Tobacco
The Nelson Refinery, currently the ArtSpace[#ArtSpace], was once the home of the Nelson Tobacco Company. New Zealand Tobacco Company In 1910 Gerhard Husheer[] emigrated to New Zealand to attempt to establish...
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