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From Cairo to Ngatimoti
Or Around the World in 100 Years: the WW1 postcard that lost its way Front of Hector Guy’s postcard. A. McFadgen Front of Hector Guy’s postcard. A. McFadgen Poignant...
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Blick Cloth
Blick Cloth is reputed to be the first woven cloth in New Zealand. It was also known as Nelson Cloth or Nelson Tweed, and was 'described as 'good...
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Trooper Ralph Vincent James and his Monument
Collingwood lad, Trooper Ralph Vincent James 2483, died of enteric fever (typhoid fever) on 20 November 1900 at Zeerust Transvaal, South Africa while serving in the Boer War[] for the...
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Nelson essentials - water and sewage
‘Bright pure water’ and sewage New Zealand’s early cities reeked of rotting rubbish, dead animals and excrement, and water sources were often contaminated. By contrast, Māori settlements were hygienic, with special sites for toilets and for dumping rubbish, and...
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The Redwood Family
Farming, Racing and the Church *Henry Redwood and early settlement* The Redwood family is remembered through place names in Nelson, Marlborough, and throughout New Zealand. It all began with Henry...
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